Richmond is failing to act on thousands of toxic gas leaks despite the strong possibility of harm to our health, safety, and financial well being. Many chemical leaks are located near our homes, our schools, businesses, and parks. The only way to address this pollution problem is to hold city leadership accountable.

Why does Richmond have a toxic gas leak problem?

Richmond Gas Works is owned and run by Richmond City. It maintains a large network of 100-year-old, constantly leaking methane (natural gas) pipes under neighborhoods throughout the city and counties. Hundreds of miles of pipes are decaying with nearly a thousand known gas leaks, and surely many more haven’t been found. Each leak requires repair or replacement by Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities. Leaks have the potential to ignite or explode, like seen in the news very frequently, jeopardizing the safety of surrounding residents.

This Interactive map shows the leaks Beyond Methane RVA knows about and their severity.

Richmond’s leaks are dangerous, polluting, and expensive for utility customers

Unfortunately leaks just scratch the surface of Richmond’s methane problem. Not only could leaks lead to an explosion, they also waste gas which customers pay for. The expansive network of leaky pipes in Richmond will cost several hundred million dollars to replace – all of which customers will pay for through their monthly utility bills. As long as Richmond relies on methane gas, the health, safety, and financial wellbeing of residents are at risk.

There is a solution to Richmond’s gas leak crisis. We must move beyond methane by replacing polluting gas appliances with appliances powered by clean electricity. Richmond City can and should be exploring ways to assist its gas customers in transitioning away from methane.

Get Involved

Beyond Methane RVA is a group of volunteers passionate about the health of our environment and Richmond City. Interested in getting involved? Email us and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.